

The implementation of MDG's in the Congo Democratic republic have had a rougher start than in most other countries.  In fact, they’ve barely made any progress at all.  Some of the goals they fight for worsened over time.  There seems to be a lot working against the progression and development of the CDR, and several other countries within Sub Saharan Africa.  One of the major problems that was being fought was hunger, and while other countries were improving the amount of people being fed over a 14 year period, the amount of people going hungry in the Congo Democratic Republic doubled.   Based on the information from many of the articles and data break down of why the Congo isn't free, it was always safe to conclude the MDGs were lacking in the region.  The progress being made in some areas within the region are constantly threatened by war, which makes effective implementation of basic needs as well as the MDS impossible.  The Congo CDR is rated as having a 0 on a scale of 0 to 10 in its progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The in 2011, the Congo CDR was listed the third to last out of every country in the MDG program.  This is a very disheartening fact, but it doesn’t mean that the people and the organizations in the Congo aren’t still putting an effort in.  

The largest problem that they are facing is the war, and the disparity it brings.  War in the congo spreads in to problems with crops and food, the treatment of women, and the general well being of civilians.  Since the war between rebels and government soldiers seems to be a never ending and complex problem,  MDG progress will always be limited.  Unless there is a way to restore peace and stability between the rebels, the people, and the government. One of the more horrific issues that has been fed by the war is the notion of rape.  It is something that has been used in tactics of war, and has become common place.  Women and often small girls are the victims of these attacks, while they have nothing to do with the ongoing conflicts that they and other civilians are caught up in.  Although many of the problems that faced the CDR  in 1990 are still prevalent, primary education and environment protection are goals that have moved in a positive direction.  Another field that they have made significant progress in was the fight against HIV/AIDS, while the spread of the disease may not have been cut down, almost a quarter less people are dying of HIV/AIDS related causes annually.

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    March 2013

